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All Assets Go Through Probate
Navigating through the myths of Texas probate, a common misconception emerges like a ship lost at sea: the belief that...

Spousal Rights and Estate Distribution in Texas
A prevailing breeze carries the misconception that spouses are automatically entitled to inherit everything when their partner passes away. In...

The Myth of Frozen Assets in Texas Probate
The belief that probate courts freeze assets for years, leaving beneficiaries stranded on the shore, is a common Texas probate...

Inheritance Beyond Family in Texas Probate
One widespread belief about Texas probate is that only direct family members stand to inherit when someone dies without a...

Clarifying the State’s Share in Texas Probate
A common myth shrouded in the mists of probate is that the state stands ready to claim a large portion...

Debunking the Cost of Probate in Texas
Navigating the waters of probate in Texas, many fear the potential for towering costs, envisioning a process that might drain...

The Unique Landscape of Texas Probate Laws
Imagine embarking on a journey through the probate process, only to find that the path differs wildly from one state...

Creditors’ Claims and Timelines in Texas Probate
Diving into the world of Texas probate, a common myth lurks beneath the surface: the belief that creditors have an...

Solo Navigation Through Texas Probate: When to Seek Legal Guidance
Venturing through the Texas probate process alone is akin to sailing uncharted waters without a map. For the intrepid at...

The Role of Trusts in Avoiding Probate in Texas
Embarking on a journey to avoid probate in Texas? Many believe that trusts are the all-encompassing shield against the probate...

Navigating the Public Nature of Probate in Texas
Welcome to a guided tour through one of the most whispered-about aspects of Texas probate: its public nature. Many fear...

Contesting Wills: A Texas Perspective
A common myth anchors many people's understanding of wills: once written, a will is as unchangeable as the course of...

Timing and Distribution of Inheritance in Texas
Many imagine that being named in a will means an immediate windfall upon the testator's passing. However, the journey from...

Equal Shares? Inheritance Among Children in Texas
The belief that all children inherit equally from their parents' estates is a tale as old as time, but in...

Dispelling Debts in Death: Texas Probate Explained
A widespread myth sails the seas of estate planning, suggesting that when a person passes away, their debts vanish like...

Understanding Jointly Owned Property in Texas Probate
Let's unravel a common misconception about joint ownership and its journey through the Texas probate process. Many believe that owning...

Accessing Assets for Funeral Expenses Before Probate
One widespread misconception is that a deceased's assets are entirely locked away until the probate process is complete, leaving families...

Validity and Importance of Handwritten Wills in Texas
Many people mistakenly believe that for a will to be valid in Texas, it must be a formal, typed document,...

The Universal Need for Probate Planning
Contrary to popular belief, probate planning isn't just for the elderly or those facing health challenges. The truth is, life...

Understanding Estate Taxes in Texas Probate
There's a common misconception out there that navigating through probate in Texas will subject an estate to hefty estate taxes....

The Necessity of a Will for Small Estates
Many hold the belief that if their estate is on the smaller side, drafting a will isn't necessary. But let's...

Wills: What Is Undue Influence?
Undue influence can best be described as getting someone to do something that they wouldn't normally do, even if they're...

Who Can Be Appointed Executor (Personal Representative)?
The executor who is named to the will can be appointed, however there are certain things that would disqualify someone...

Where Should I Keep My Estate Planning Documents?
I would normally keep estate planning documents either in a safe deposit box or a fireproof safe in your house....

When Should An Estate Plan Be Reviewed?
I tell my clients every couple years. It's a good time to have your estate plan reviewed or in some...

What Is The Difference Between A Guardian Of The Person And A Guardian Of The Property?
Guardian of the person is someone who is appointed to make decisions about your person. Essentially, in the event the...

What Is Estate Planning?
What is Estate Planning? Estate planning is the process of sitting down and determining how you wish to dispose of...

What Is A Will Contest And Who Are The Parties Involved?
When someone believes that their is a problem with the will,; whether the will was executed without the proper formalities,...

What If Someone Objects To The Will?
In Texas there is a period of time where you can contest a will. If the will is contested prior...

What Does Joint Tenancy With Right Of Survivorship Mean?
Joint tenancy account means that two individuals, usually the person who is the account owner adds someone as a joint...

What Authority Do I Have As Executor Or Administrator To Manage An Estates Assets?
In the case where there's a will, the will will determine what powers the executor has. Typically they're all the...

Probating An Estate: Do I Need The Original Will And Where Can I Find It?
It is not required in Texas that you have the original will. However, using the original will to probate makes...

If A Guardianship Petition Is Filed, Who Has To Know About It?
The probate code prescribes certain individuals that are required to receive notice of a guardianship petition being filed. Typically, if...

How Much Does Estate Planning Cost?
It really depends on how large your estate is. Very simple wills, can run very inexpensive; $300 to $600. It...

How Is An Estate Probated Or Administered?
If there's a will, then the attorney will file an application for probate of the will and attach the original...

How Can An Estate Plan Make Things Easier On My Family After I Die?
Probating a will is a lot less expensive than having to probate an estate without a will. To the extent...

What Should Be Considered For Estate Planning If A Parent Is Residing In A Nursing Facility?
Well it's really important that they have capacity to execute the will and that at the time that they are...

Do I Need A Lawyer For Estate Planning, Or Can I Hire Someone Else?
If you want it done correctly, you need to hire get a lawyer to do it. If some who is...

Myth #1: Probate is always a lengthy process
Welcome to our video series on debunking the Top 25 Misconceptions About Texas Probate. Today, we're tackling one of the...

Myth #2: Having a will eliminates the need for probate
Welcome back to our series on the Top 25 Misconceptions About Texas Probate. Today, we're diving into a common myth...

Unraveling the Texas Probate, Trust, and Guardianship Landscape
We know we’re going to die. But, for most of us, it’s the when we’re less sure of, so we...

Understanding Guardianships in Texas: What You Need to Know
It would be great to live in a world where we didn’t have to have guardianships because they are very...

Introduction to Corporate Trustees in Texas with Beth Owens of American National Bank & Trust
A lot of people initially think that you set up a trust for estate tax purposes, but there’s such a...

Navigating the Texas Mental Health System with Former Judge Lynn Waller Kelly
In this episode of Before You Go…, host Keith Morris welcomes colleague Lynn Waller Kelly, a former Associate Judge for one of the...

Estate Planning: Safeguard Your Hard-Earned Assets Now with Marvin Blum
“It's a dagger in me when I see families writing those estate tax checks because the planning tools that are...

Will Contests: Everything You Need to Know with Probate Litigation Attorney Rudy Culp
A will contest is a formal challenge to a will. But the process can be lengthy, expensive, and emotionally taxing....

Unknotting Common Law Marriage Issues In Probate with Attorney Shawn Williamson
Did they have a common law marriage, or not? Whether you leave behind a will or not, determining if there...