Caldwell County Probate Attorney

Caldwell County Probate Attorney

Should I Consult A Caldwell County Probate Attorney?

After the death of a loved one, his or her assets and debts are put into probate, which is the process by which a court oversees and administers the decedent’s estate. If your loved one has died, you may need to seek the services of a Caldwell County probate attorney to help guide you through the Texas probate process. Even when a Last Will & Testament exists, the probate process consists of specific steps that may be confusing if you aren’t experienced in dealing with these matters. When there is no Will, or the Will is contested, the process gets even more complicated.

Probate Lawyer Services

A Caldwell County probate attorney can help you in many ways. From setting up an estate or drawing up a Will to providing legal aid in matters of guardianships, conservatorships, estate taxes, property rights and property transfers.

In the probate process, a Caldwell County probate attorney will be able to assist by:

  • Filing any and all required paperwork with the court, including proof of death.
  • Representing beneficiaries in court appearances.
  • Inventorying and appraising the value of the estate’s assets.
  • Notifying creditors of the estate.

Paperwork and court appearances are the last thing on your mind when a loved one dies. By contacting a Caldwell County probate attorney, you can relieve yourself of the burden of trying to navigate the legal system while trying to grieve the loss of a family member or friend. Unfortunately, there are those who would try to take advantage of a loved one’s death. While the Caldwell County probate attorneys seek a reasonable resolution of your loved one’s estate, we have a proven record of vigorously defending our clients’ rights and the final wishes of the decedent. 

Call us today at (346) 384-8768 in Houston and (817) 532-6797 in Fort Worth for a consultation.

Our firm provides services to clients throughout Caldwell County including the cities of Luling, Lockhart, Martindale, Niederwald, and Uhland.

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Success that Speaks for Itself

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WE have vast experience protecting the rights of Texans in these areas.

Have you lost a loved one and need to settle his or her estate? Do you need the estate administered correctly? Are you concerned that someone may be taking advantage of your relative’s death? Are you concerned about ensuring that the wishes of the deceased are honored?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, our Texas law firm can help. We can assist you with questions related to inheritance law, will contests, guardianships, property rights, will forms, conservatorships, codicils, intestacy, and more. When you need a probate lawyer in Texas, call Keith Morris & Stacy Kelly.

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that Fight for You!

Contact the firm today to discuss your case during a free consultation and explore your options.