Fayette County Probate Attorney

Fayette County Probate Attorney

Fayette County Probate Attorney: The Job, The Services and The Specialty

Probate attorneys have garnered attention in the media in recent years due to high profile estate cases. While there are a few cases that play out in very bitter, public court battles, most estates can be settled quickly with the help of a Fayette County probate attorney.

Probate attorneys, sometimes called estate attorneys, deal with matters pertaining to legal Wills, estates, and the paperwork and legal notices that must be filed following the death of an individual. In many cases, probate attorneys become the executor of a Will in order to ensure the decedent’s wishes are followed. In the case of estate disputes, or if no Will exist, probate attorneys can help navigate probate court and the necessary legal channels associated with it. The goal of a Fayette County probate attorney is to make the legal process after an individual’s death as easy as possible on the family and friends.

Services Provided by Fayette County Probate Attorney

Fayette County probate attorney can deal with all procedures related to the settling of an individual’s estate prior to their death and following the passing. The service list is lengthy, and many people are confused by what a Fayette County probate attorney’s specialty is. The services provided by a probate attorney include but aren’t limited to;

  • Drafting of a Will
  • Processing and submitting proof of death
  • Notifying creditors
  • Filing necessary court paperwork
  • Representation during court appointments
  • Inventory and disbursement of the estate’s assets

A probate attorney is often employed by families who are having difficulty navigating the legal channels of probate court. These services can help to resolve any disputes regarding an estate quickly and handle all death-related paperwork in an efficient and timely process.

In addition to providing legal assistance after a loved one’s death, the Fayette County probate attorney. Keith Morris & Stacy Kelly, Attorneys at Law, is experienced in many areas of inheritance law, guardianships and conservatorships, property rights and legal transfers of property and more. 

Contact them today at (346) 384-8768 in Houston and (817) 532-6797 in Fort Worth for a consultation.

Our firm provides services to clients throughout Fayette County including the cities of La Grange, Schulenburg, Carmine, Fayetteville, Flatonia, Muldoon, and Round Top.

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WE have vast experience protecting the rights of Texans in these areas.

Have you lost a loved one and need to settle his or her estate? Do you need the estate administered correctly? Are you concerned that someone may be taking advantage of your relative’s death? Are you concerned about ensuring that the wishes of the deceased are honored?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, our Texas law firm can help. We can assist you with questions related to inheritance law, will contests, guardianships, property rights, will forms, conservatorships, codicils, intestacy, and more. When you need a probate lawyer in Texas, call Keith Morris & Stacy Kelly.

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Contact the firm today to discuss your case during a free consultation and explore your options.