Maverick County Probate Attorney

Maverick County Probate Attorney

Why You Should To Use the Services of a Maverick County Probate Attorney

When someone passes away, their estate needs to be taken care of so that their personal assets and debts are resolved. A Maverick County probate attorney can help immensely in this process. Texas probate starts when the estate is opened. The assets and debts are part of the estate. People who leave behind a Will typically appoint an executor of their estate. This is an individual who is entrusted with overseeing the administration of all of the matters related to the estate.

Maverick County Probate Attorney Services

Probate law can become very complicated, particularly if there is no Will or if it is contested. A Maverick County probate attorney can work with families and others directly involved with the estate to make the process easier during this time of grieving.

The responsibilities of these lawyers include the following: notifying creditors of the death of the estate holder and that the estate process has begun; representing the estate and/or beneficiaries at all court proceedings; file court documents; appraise and categorize all the assets in the estate; provide death certificate and other related documents to the court; and create any necessary documents and mail them to the necessary recipients. Some families struggle with their emotions during this process, and an attorney can act as a mediator so that all parties have their questions answered and legal issues concluded quickly and successfully.

A Maverick County probate attorney can also help Texas residents in estate planning and other inheritance law issues, setting up guardianships and conservatorships, drawing up Wills, and transferring property.

If you need help with a probate issue, Keith Morris & Stacy Kelly, Attorneys at Law, can help. Our Maverick County probate attorneys have a history of success in defending clients’ rights in the probate process. Call today at (346) 384-8768 in Houston and (817) 532-6797 in Fort Worth for a consultation.

Our firm provides services to clients throughout Maverick County including the city of Eagle Pass.

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WE have vast experience protecting the rights of Texans in these areas.

Have you lost a loved one and need to settle his or her estate? Do you need the estate administered correctly? Are you concerned that someone may be taking advantage of your relative’s death? Are you concerned about ensuring that the wishes of the deceased are honored?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, our Texas law firm can help. We can assist you with questions related to inheritance law, will contests, guardianships, property rights, will forms, conservatorships, codicils, intestacy, and more. When you need a probate lawyer in Texas, call Keith Morris & Stacy Kelly.

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