Real County Probate Attorney

Real County Probate Attorney

What Does A Real County Probate Attorney Do?

Probate attorneys, generally speaking, are attorneys who deal in the division of assets and the filing of paperwork that pertains to an individual’s death. A Real County probate attorney can help families deal deal with these legal issues. When a person dies, there are debts and assets to be dealt with. These are put into an estate, which is administered by a probate court. At this time, most families find it highly beneficial to have a Real County probate attorney to guide them through the process of resolving the estate. Whether it be a simple division of assets in accordance with the decedent’s Will or a large, complex estate with no Will or a contested Will, the advice and legal aid of an experienced professional can make a difficult time much easier.

Real County Probate Attorney Services

A Real County probate attorney can help with the many different aspects of legal proceedings pertaining to the death of a loved one. Probate attorneys offer services that include:

  • Drawing up a Will.
  • Estate planning.
  • The inventory and dividing of estate assets.
  • Legal notification of death to the courts and creditors.
  • All court proceedings and paperwork.

These services can help a family through the grieving process without having to simultaneously deal with the legal filings and paperwork that go along with the death of a loved one. Additionally, a Real County probate attorney can help in setting up guardianships, estate tax issues, and other areas of inheritance law.

In most cases, the probate process should be easy with the help of an attorney. However, there are unfortunately people who will try to take advantage of the death of a loved one for personal gain. In these cases, it is especially important to have a Real County probate attorney to fight for your rights, and the wishes of the decedent.

Real County probate attorney Keith Morris has a proven track record of success in helping our clients through the probate process. Call (346) 384-8768 in Houston and (817) 532-6797 in Fort Worth today for a consultation.

Our firm provides services to clients throughout Real County including the cities of Camp Wood, Leakey, and Rio Frio.

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WE have vast experience protecting the rights of Texans in these areas.

Have you lost a loved one and need to settle his or her estate? Do you need the estate administered correctly? Are you concerned that someone may be taking advantage of your relative’s death? Are you concerned about ensuring that the wishes of the deceased are honored?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, our Texas law firm can help. We can assist you with questions related to inheritance law, will contests, guardianships, property rights, will forms, conservatorships, codicils, intestacy, and more. When you need a probate lawyer in Texas, call Keith Morris & Stacy Kelly.

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