Zapata County Probate Attorney

Zapata County Probate Attorney

Comprehensive Probate Services in Texas

Probate law deals with the dispensation of a person’s estate. A Zapata County probate attorney is someone who helps clients through this process, among many other services. Sometimes a client will need to turn to a Zapata County probate attorney because the Will of a loved one is being contested or if the client wishes to avoid any disputes, either with the loved one’s Will or their own. They can also be of valuable assistance when a loved one dies with no Will in place.

Granting Power of Attorney

A Zapata County probate attorney can help his client establish a power of attorney before his or her death. The person who has the power of attorney is responsible for legal and other matters pertaining to the client in case that client becomes incapacitated. Granting someone power of attorney also goes a long way in avoiding disputes over the estate after the client’s death.

Still, a Will can be contested for all kinds of reasons. Interested persons can believe that the executor isn’t discharging his or her duties responsibility. They may believe that the deceased signed the Will under duress or that the Will is unclear and contradictory. They may also believe that beneficiaries named in the Will aren’t entitled to inherit anything.

Probating a Will can be complicated and time consuming even if the Will isn’t contested. The decedent’s death will need to be published in the local newspapers, her creditors and beneficiaries will need to notified and her property and assets will need to be inventoried. A Zapata County probate attorney has the training and experience to makes sure that this process goes forward as smoothly as possible. Additionally, a Zapata County probate attorney can file legal papers and attend court hearings on your behalf.

A probate lawyer can also perform many services indirectly related to the Texas probate process, including drawing up valid Wills, as well as guardianship and conservatorship documents.

Our firm provides services to clients throughout Zapata County including the communities of Falcon Lakes Estates, Falcon Mesa, Lopeno, Medina, Morales-Sanchez, New Falcon, San Ygnacio, Siesta Shores, and Zapata.

Contact Keith Morris & Stacy Kelly, Attorneys at Law, at (346) 384-8768 in Houston and (817) 532-6797 in Fort Worth to get assistance today. Our experienced Zapata County probate attorneys have a proven record of success in fighting for our clients’ rights.

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WE have vast experience protecting the rights of Texans in these areas.

Have you lost a loved one and need to settle his or her estate? Do you need the estate administered correctly? Are you concerned that someone may be taking advantage of your relative’s death? Are you concerned about ensuring that the wishes of the deceased are honored?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, our Texas law firm can help. We can assist you with questions related to inheritance law, will contests, guardianships, property rights, will forms, conservatorships, codicils, intestacy, and more. When you need a probate lawyer in Texas, call Keith Morris & Stacy Kelly.

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